
Robiniapseudacacia-Lesser known remedy in cases of GERD

Radhika Agarwal

Traditionally, for many centuries, Robiniapseudacacia has been in use for various gastric disturbances in physiological doses. Robinia was named by Linnaeus after Jean Robin, herbalist to Henry IV of France. The true acacia is the Egyptian tree, Acacia Arabica. Robinia, the common locust tree of the United States, was first proved in a fragmentary way by Dr. Burt in 1864. The inner bark contains a poisonous protein substance robin, which possesses strong emetic and purgative properties. Robiniapseudacacia is a cerebro-spinal remedy, affecting especially the pneumogastric nerve, slightly the intestinal tract and glandular system. Through its action upon the base of the brain (medulla oblongata) it produces the most acid state of the stomach of any remedy in the materiamedica. The great depression of the vagi produces such excessive acidity that digestion is arrested and there are all the symptoms of indigestion, with flatulence, constipation, and excessive irritability, equal to that of Chamomilla.
