Volume 14, Problème 6 (2017)
article de recherche
Knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors towards post exposure prophylaxis to HIV infection among health care professionals in Debre Markos town public health institutions, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017
Biyadgie Aschale, Yenesew Tamir, Girma Alem*
article de recherche
Prevalence of human papillomavirus and bacteria as sexually transmitted infections in symptomatic and asymptomatic women
Yu Kyung Kim, Dae Hyung Lee, Chae Hoon Lee, Young Seop Jung, Chang-Ho Youn & Won Kil Lee*
article de recherche
The role of corticosteroids in the management of kidney stones disease: a systematic review
Ahmed Nouri*, Mohamed Azmi Hassali & Azhar Amir Hamza
Rapport de cas
A rare bacterial and fungal peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis, a case report and review of literature
Kenji Takahashi & Hayat Ashik*
article de recherche
Effects of Exenatide on both fat mass loss and cardiometabolic risk in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Carmela Colica, Sara Parrettini, Giuseppe Merra*, Lorenzo Romano, Laura Di Renzo, Antonino De Lorenzo & Riccardo Calafiore
article de recherche
Vertebral puncture reduces vertebral fracture-associated pain-do osteoplastic procedures qualify as successful placebo interventions?
Klein R, Weiss C, Georgescu CE, Tanner M, Schiltenwolf M, Wolfl CG, Nawroth PP & Kasperk C*