
New Drugs for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases.

Deanna Saylo

The main causes of death worldwide are cardiovascular and cerebral disorders. Although the order of the death causes resulting from human diseases is predicted to alter dramatically by 2020, current epidemiological data indicate that coronary artery disease and cerebral haemorrhage will continue to be the leading and second causes of mortality in humans. Pharmacological treatment by traditional medicine has not yielded adequate outcomes despite various advancements in our understanding of the disorders. A promising candidate for the illnesses’ preventative treatment, according to recent studies, is natural goods and traditional herbal medicine. In order to provide strong evidence that supports the use of bioactive/traditional herbal medicine (THM) in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illnesses, we have encouraged researchers to submit a few research/review papers.

In the opening article of this special issue, it is examined how ginseng alters cardiac contractility by acting on PPARs, or peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors. It was proposed that higher PPAR expression in cardiac cells would allow ginseng to improve cardiac contractility. The second publication examines the function of musclin a novel skeletal muscle-derived factor identified in the mouse skeletal muscle cDNA signal sequence trap, and defines its direct impact on vascular contraction using an animal model of hypertension.
