
Lymphorpoliferative diseases post-renal transplantation

Sanae Ezzaki

Introduction: Lymphoproliferative diseases represent one or the potentially lethal complications or organ transplantation. forming a group or heterogeneous lymphoid proliferations by their clinical presentation and histological aspects, ranging from reactive plasma hyperplasia to the appearance or malignant lymphomas. The appearance of these pathologies is around 1% in renal transplant patient. Materials and methods:We report 3 cases of kidney transplant patients, who presented after renal transplantation lymphoproliferative diseases. The aim of our work Is to Illustrate the clinical, para-clnical, therapeutic and evolutionary presentations. Results:This is about three renal transplant patients, one woman and two men, aged 49, 21 and 65, respectively. The transplanted kidney to the female patient came from a brain death donor and in the other 2 patients from relative living donors. The diagnosis of the lymphoproliferative disease in the female patient was diagnosed following a hematological attack, motivating the realization of a myelogram that confirmed a light chains myeloma. For the 2 other male patients. they presented a tumor syndrome, a biopsy performed in these 2 patients revealed large cells of B lymphoma associated with n positive EBV PCR. The average time between transplantation and diagnosis was between 1.5 years and 15 years. Conclusion: The occurrence of a lymphoproliferative diseases constitutes an evolutionary turning point which threatens the vital prognosis or patients and the funct1ons or the graft. It Increases the mortality rates and the returns to dialysis. Patient survival has been improved in recent years through prophylactic measure  and therapeutic ones (decrease of immunosuppresses).
