
Basic Health Information System in 2020

Zenel Hisenaj

The health information system in Kosovo has been
trying for a few years to evolve from a paper-based systems towards an electronic information systems for the management of health processes and health data. So far, we observed a combination of paper based and limited use of the Health Information System within healthcare facilities.
Good governance in health care requires reliable and timely information to plan, manage, and measure progress in attaining health objectives. The Ministry of Health over the last-years has been focusing on two parallel processes; creating an enabling environment by improving and investing in IT infrastructure, and developing/implementing an integrated information system for health-care providers. The Health Information System (HIS) Department, in cooperation with the external parter, has progressed with the implementation of a comprehensive nation-wide information system, so called Basic Health Information System. The system pools information from different
sources, sufficient for data analysis at the micro, meso, and macro level. Concerning infrastructure, MoH is utilizing the computers from the old HIS software - where it was implemented previously - and investing in the rest of the area to provide the necessary
